Health Canada | Santé Canada Apps

Pathogen Safety Data Sheets 1.5.12
Biosafety info for lab workers produced by the Public Health Agencyof Canada
Recalls and Safety Alerts 3.0.23
Find information on everything from health and consumer products tofood and vehicles. Wherever. Whenever. Check out the products youchoose and use and help keep you and your family healthy andsafe.  Features: • view and filter recalls and safety alerts •search recalls and safety alerts by categories (health and consumerproducts, food and vehicles)  • search recalls and safetyalerts by keywords (i.e,: brand name, product type) • view imagesand descriptions of products • share recalls and safety alerts onsocial media or by e-mail • create a list of recalls and safetyalerts that affect you For more information, please visit
CDN STI Guidelines 2.0.4
Note: This application is intended for use by HEALTH PROFESSIONALS,and not the general public. For general information on sexuallytransmitted infections (STIs), refer to Thisapplication provides Canadian health professionals with up-to-daterecommendations for the screening, diagnosis, management, andtreatment of STIs, including recommendations forantibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, in a convenient, concise, and easyto use format. It has been developed from the 2010 version of theCanadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections (Guidelines)( andrevised content from 2013 to 2016. These updates reflect emergingissues/trends affecting the management of STIs in Canada.Up-to-date information from other complementary resources has alsobeen incorporated, including key recommendations from the HIVScreening and Testing Guide (2012) and the Management of HepatitisB - Quick Reference (2013). The content is reflective of the mostcurrent evidence for the management of uncomplicated STIs in adultsand youth only. It does not contain information for the managementof STIs in pregnant women, children, neonates or complicatedinfections. This application is intended to provide information topublic health and clinical professionals and does not supersede anyprovincial/territorial legislative, regulatory, policy and practicerequirements or professional guidelines that govern the practice ofhealth professionals in their respective jurisdictions, whoserecommendations may differ due to local epidemiology or context.Aussi disponible en français.
Pesticide Labels 3.0.5
Mobile version of PMRA’s Label Search. Search & downloadpesticide labels.
IEGBBR 2.4.0
Biosafety and biosecurity oversight of human and animal pathogensand toxins
COVID Alert - Let’s protect each other 1.5.3
Together, let’s slow the spread of COVID-19. Canada's COVIDAlertapp notifies you if someone you were near in the past 14 daystellsthe app they tested positive. COVID Alert uses Bluetoothtoexchange random codes with nearby phones. It does not use oraccessany location data. COVID Alert works by determining how farawayother phones are by the strength of their Bluetooth signal.Severaltimes a day, COVID Alert checks a list of codes from peoplewhotell the app they tested positive. You’ll get a notification ifacode you received matches one of the positive codes. If youtestpositive for COVID-19 you’ll receive a one-time key withyourdiagnosis to enter into COVID Alert. The app asks permissiontoshare your random codes from the last 14 days with acentralserver. Other phones using COVID Alert check the centralserverperiodically throughout the day. If they recorded any codesthatmatch the codes in the central server, their user will benotifiedthat they were exposed. COVID Alert has no way of knowing:-yourlocation - COVID Alert does not use GPS or location services-yourname or address -the place or time you were near someone -ifyou'recurrently near someone who was previously diagnosedProvincial andterritorial governments are working to support COVIDAlert acrossCanada. In some places, people cannot yet report aCOVID-19diagnosis through this app. It’s still helpful to keepCOVID Alerton, no matter where you are. That way, when people areable toreport a diagnosis, you’ll find out if you were near them.COVIDAlert was built by Health Canada with the Canadian DigitalServiceon the private exposure notification framework by Apple andGoogle.
CBS Biosafety 2.2.10
Canadian Biosafety Standard (CBS)
Canadian Biosafety Application 1.0.21
Get biosafety information anywhere!